Classified Jobs Aren’t What They Used to Be

In the past, a job seeker had few resources when looking to change jobs. The work applicant was functionally restricted to those positions that were available in the classified job section of the local newspaper. Seeking jobs outside of the geographic area that the job seeker lived in was a challenging and often painful process.

Approximately 15 years ago the personal computer Internet connection became household staples. The growth of the Internet has caused classified employment to become a global marketplace for services.

Corporate mergers, bankruptcies, and a reduced market for products have resulted in a diminishing corporate workforce. This diminishing corporate workforce has given the job market a wide pool of educated, qualified, talented workers. These intelligent people are turning to electronic classified jobs listed on websites such as and These electronic classified work posting sites enable the staff to view jobs available both nationally and worldwide in their specific field of expertise.

Many unemployed employees have decided that the big company is not the lifestyle that they want. These staff prefer to become freelancers and sell their services on a contractor basis to employers. Websites such as GetAFreelancer, Elance, GetACoder and Scriptlance give the freelance workers access to classified jobs that not only suit their skills but also allow them the freedom of working for themselves.

Craig’s List is an example of an electronic bulletin board that offers classified jobs along with classified ads for products. Searches n Craig’s List may be narrowed down to a geographic region or the specific service requested.

The old adage of “a big fish in a little pond” also refers to the work-seeker when viewing classified positions on the Internet. What the job seeker perceives as unique talents may in reality be normal when viewed on a national or worldwide basis. This reduces both the rate of pay available to the job seeker as well as a possible loss of self-worth.

Newspapers have in the past been the “source of preference” for classified jobs to be placed in. Every newspaper has a classified work section generally referred to as “jobs”“. Due to increased competition from electronic media, newspapers now post their regular edition on site. Newspapers as diverse as the New York Times, London Times, Des Moines Register and Knoxville News all post their classified jobs/employment pages on the Internet. This offers the job seeker an alternative means of seeking a new position in another part of the country or world.

A job seeker is no longer limited to searching for a place in their general neighborhood. By the use of the Internet, available jobs can be found anywhere in the world through the use of electronic classified jobs. Employers who post classified positions on the Internet notice that they get more applications from more interested candidates. This greater availability of talent helps the employer to make a more discretionary option when recruiting new employees.